Be the Money Boss.

We started in 2018, and many of the top voices in personal finance have joined us here over the years. We’ll show you how to master your money — and your life.

Master your money! contains thousands of articles about how to master your money.
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You need a budget!

Budgeting has a bad reputation. That’s unfortunate. Budgets don’t have to be painful. In fact, when done right budgeting can put you in total control of your financial future. By far the best tool we’ve found for making (and sticking) to budgets is You Need a Budget.

With, you’ll learn to:

  • Give every dollar a job.
  • Embrace your true expenses.
  • Roll with the punches.
  • Age your money.
  • Bask in your budgeting glory.

Budgeting isn’t restrictive. You won’t be spending less – you’ll be spending right. You can do this! Today. Right now. What do you have to lose…except all that debt and stress?


Enough is enough! You’ve decided to take control of your financial future. That’s great. But where do you begin? This page will point you in the right direction.

Ready to master your money?

You're done being broke. You're ready to start down the path to financial freedom. But it's all so overwhelming. What do you do first? Don't stress. Start where you are. Take baby steps and build good habits. Progress will be slow at first, but in time everything will come together. Here are some of our best articles about the basics of money.


This page is packed with resources to help you spend less and enjoy life more. When you cut costs on the things that don’t matter, it’s easier to afford the important stuff!

Want to spend less?

Frugality is an important part of personal finance. To get ahead, you have to cut back on the unimportant things so that you can afford to spend on the stuff you love. Our archives contain more than fourteen years of ideas for cutting costs in every corner of your life. Here are some of our best articles about spending wisely.


You’ve cut your expenses and increased your income. Every month, you’re bringing in more than you spend. Now it’s time to save and invest that extra money so that you can achieve your goals!

Want to learn how to invest?

It takes a lot of work to balance your budget so that you're bringing in a sizable "profit" each month. Don't blow that effort by sticking you savings in an account that earns less than one percent. Don't pay exorbitant fees for mutual funds that offer sub-par returns. Turn your savings into a wealth snowball! Here are some of our best articles about saving and investing.


Smart money management is more about mindset than it is about math. The math of personal finance is easy. It’s the psychology that’s tough. On this page, you’ll find resources for mastering your money — and your life.

Want to think like a millionaire?

Most experts focus on the mechanics of money management. Sure, the mechanics are important. But you know what? We all know how to write a check and use a credit card. This stuff isn't difficult. What's difficult is mastering the psychology and emotions behind earning, spending, and investing. Everything we write at takes into account mindset. Here are some of our best articles about the psychology of money.


If you’re looking for ways to make more money — whether at your current job or with a side gig — you’ve come to the right place. On this page, you’ll find tips for earning more.

Want to earn more money?

There’s no question that frugality is an important part of personal finance — you can’t outearn dumb spending — but trying to get rich by pinching pennies is like trying to win a car race by conserving gas. If you truly want to build a wealth snowball, you can’t be shy with the accelerator! Here are some of our best articles about earning money.

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